Meet PreWriter: The AI Content Creation Suite That Empowers Writers, the AI-powered content tool from Bruce Clay.

We’re officially in a new world of AI-powered efficiency.

According to IDC research, 39% of companies invest in AI primarily for operational efficiency. Many businesses are realizing other benefits of AI, including increased innovation and improved customer retention.

IDC research showing primary business objectives for using AI in projects.
Image credit: IDC InfoBrief, February 2023

When it comes to the world of SEO, AI is revolutionizing it in many ways — not the least of which is content creation.

Today, there are many tools available for AI-assisted content creation, and now we at Bruce Clay are proud to introduce our own:

In this article:

What is PreWriter? is an application that interfaces with various AI functions — including Google — to research and produce first drafts of content. We built it on the premise that we can leverage AI ethically when we use the power of machines with the expert skills of a professional human writer or editor.

Imagine a world where producing high-quality, engaging, SEO-optimized content is more efficient, moving marketing programs forward faster and without the delays we’re used to seeing with content creation.

PreWriter makes this possible. This tool blends the art of content research and ideation with content outlines that provide an excellent starting point for writers.

How Does PreWriter Work?

PreWriter takes an input, then leverages AI’s predictive power to tailor content to specific audience segments and uses natural language processing to refine content’s tone and style, coupled with automated SEO tools for improved search engine rankings.

All you have to do is enter a piece of content into one of PreWriter’s tools (more on this later) and run it. It can be almost anything — a URL, keyword, topic, list, outline, even a complete article — and PreWriter will give you a comprehensive analysis of things like:

  • Keywords
  • Meta descriptions
  • Related questions
  • Briefs
  • Outlines
  • Full pages of content
  • Webpage suggestions

PreWriter does the heavy lifting in the beginning stages of content development by doing thorough research and producing quality drafts to hand off to your content team.

Writers are empowered to do what they do best — infuse personality and creativity into the content to improve quality and maintain brand style, voice and guidelines.

PreWriter Features

PreWriter is a content generator, but it’s also so much more. Here are some of its key features:

Keyword Analysis: PreWriter analyzes keyword performance to give you the keywords and phrases that are likely to perform the best. You can use these insights to optimize your content strategy around and improve SEO.

Human Content Creation at Volume: In minutes, PreWriter can produce almost any type of content you want — keywords, topics, subtopics, drafts for blog posts, articles, step-by-step guides, FAQs — at volume. All that’s left to do is pass the initial drafts to your writers to work their magic.

Competitor Analysis: Competitor research isn’t very fun, but it’s a key part of a good content strategy. PreWriter can do the work for you — with just a competitor’s URL, it can quickly reverse engineer your competitor’s content, giving you insights into how you can do it better. And as most of us know, successful SEO is about beating the competition, not the algorithm.

Improvement Suggestions: One of the great things about PreWriter is its ability to suggest ways to improve your content. Not only will it find and fix any spelling and grammatical errors, but it will also give you recommendations on where to place keywords and how to write meta descriptions and header tags. PreWriter can also propose ideas on how to refine the content to be better suited for your audience. It’s a very useful tool to create content that will perform well in search engines.

Ready to give a try? Visit and sign up for a free account. You’ll get 20 free tokens to try out the tools.

What’s Included in PreWriter?

PreWriter is a powerful content creation suite with many tools at your disposal, including:

Page Creator: Input a keyword, list or outline to generate a page of content with a 100x keyword list, a detailed FAQ and page profile information.

Page Profile: Input a website URL or text from an existing article to get a Page Profile Report. This report includes primary and secondary keywords, article information such as meta description, related questions and recommendations for adding content.

Refresh Article: Refresh/rewrite an existing page of content by entering source article text or a URL. Try it on a competing page.

Article Summary: Summarize an article from source content or a URL.

FAQ Generator: Input a single question into the tool to generate an amazingly detailed FAQ page. We add these FAQs to every page and blog post on our own website — and they really do rank well!

Content Translator: Quickly translate content from almost any language to almost any language. It’s a great tool to localize content for audiences in various regions around the world.

And more! Here’s a look at the PreWriter dashboard. More tools will be available in the future as we expand and improve the software. dashboard showing the available tools.

PreWriter is a token-based system; each tool uses one or more tokens. For example, the Page Creator tool costs five tokens for a single run. Learn more about the token pricing structure here.

Check out what’s currently available in PreWriter — sign up for an account to get 20 free tokens to try out the tools.

Five Reasons To Use PreWriter

  1. It’s efficient and very cost-effective. PreWriter does the routine, mundane tasks for you, significantly reducing production time and costs, usually by more than 50%. You can double or even triple your writer output per hour.
  2. It improves the quality of your content. PreWriter gives you advanced topic, persona, grammar and style recommendations to help you improve your content and keep it relevant for your target audience.
  3. You can expand your global and local market reach. Many businesses are embracing content localization, and PreWriter can help. It supports multiple languages, helping businesses increase engagement with international audiences. It also researches and generates content tailored to a specific region to expand your local presence.
  4. It streamlines the content publishing process. PreWriter excels at expediting content writing and simplifying the publishing process. It generates a list of research-backed content suggestions, giving you many topics to choose from. PreWriter then provides data, facts and other relevant information that you can integrate seamlessly into your content.
  5. It empowers writers. PreWriter manages research and drafts stages of content creation, freeing up writers to concentrate on refining, adding personality and conforming to brand guidelines. PreWriter is NOT a replacement for writers or content teams — it’s a helpful resource that enables them to focus on what they do best.

Who Benefits from PreWriter?

If you’re in the business of content development, PreWriter is for you. Writers, bloggers and content creators will find it very useful. But many others will benefit from using PreWriter, including:

  • SEOs
  • Digital marketers
  • Website owners
  • Business owners/C-suite

Your website — and your target audience — will benefit from PreWriter’s ability to produce SEO-friendly content fast. Businesses will benefit from a streamlined content creation process that frees up time, money and resources to devote to other important projects and campaigns.

How To Sign Up for PreWriter

Ready to try PreWriter for yourself? Signing up is easy, plus you’ll get 20 free tokens to use the tools.

Go to the PreWriter signup screen and complete the signup by doing either of these things:

  1. Click on the Google button to sign up using your Google Account, or
  2. Enter your email address and desired password, then click Sign Up. You’ll get an email with the link to verify the email address before you can log in.

Once logged in, you’ll be taken to the PreWriter dashboard where you can run any of the tools with your pre-loaded tokens.

Final Thoughts

We believe PreWriter is a gamechanger in the content development process, and we’re excited to bring it to you.

One final important note: The content generated from the software is NOT designed to be a finished product. We call it PreWriter for a reason — any content produced must be handed off to a writer to review/edit for accuracy, style and tone.

Give it a try and see how it can improve your content production workflow.

FAQ: How does PreWriter integrate AI and SEO features to enhance content creation efficiency? is built with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that recognize language and predictive writing patterns, speeding up content production while maintaining quality. But PreWriter goes further — its AI capabilities help with keyword analysis, metadata production and structuring content to meet SEO best practices without taking hours of effort from teams of content marketers to optimize it properly.

PreWriter uses AI technology to understand complex language nuances and interpret them against SEO requirements, producing content with careful consideration for keyword density, readability and relevance — key aspects in successful content production that must be planned out carefully before being produced by AI technology alone. PreWriter makes this process faster by giving data-driven insights and real-time editing suggestions, something other software tools cannot do!

PreWriter’s unique combination of AI with SEO makes keyword research faster and more accurate. It monitors current trends and competing businesses’ moves before suggesting keywords it thinks will perform best based on predictive analytics and predictive analysis capabilities. Writers can use this info to quickly target their audiences. PreWriter also features predictive analytics capabilities which allows writers to forecast future trends so that their content strategies can adapt accordingly.

PreWriter uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the context and sentiment of content, ensuring it reaches its target audience with appropriate tones and messaging. As such, its outputs tend to be more conversational in tone — perfect for reader engagement and better search engine rankings.

PreWriter offers an intelligent solution for content creators seeking to ensure consistency and relevance while adhering to SEO guidelines. Its dynamic content strategy adjusts automatically based on real-time SEO metrics to keep content relevant and fresh while increasing both user experience and search engine performance.

Utilizing semantic SEO, where AI recognizes the meaning behind searches, PreWriter allows content creators to produce answers that directly address user intent. This increases search engine rankings and reader satisfaction rates while helping prevent keyword stuffing. PreWriter’s semantic SEO features helps content remain natural and authoritative.

PreWriter can also streamline the editing process. Equipped with real-time grammar and style checks as well as SEO optimization recommendations, PreWriter serves as an all-in-one solution that enhances productivity and content quality; ultimately resulting in faster turnaround times and more effective workflows for content creators.

Use PreWriter’s deep learning capabilities to your advantage. By continually feeding it your preferences and past performance data, users can shape its output to match your unique brand voice and style for increased engagement and SEO performance.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Sign up for PreWriter and log in to get to your Dashboard.
  2. Launch a new project by clicking the “Start Project” button, then select the tool you want to use, such as the Page Creator tool.
  3. Click the “Add New” button to start a new project. Enter a website URL, plus any primary and secondary keywords that relate to your topic (optional), then click “Generate Page.”
  4. Give the content output to a writer to review and edit for tone and style.
  5. Use PreWriter’s SEO analytics tool to review keyword usage and density. By adjusting according to SEO recommendations, headings, subheadings, meta descriptions, internal/external linking will also become possible.
  6. Implement real-time grammar and style suggestions to boost content quality. Utilize the topic clustering feature to link related pages for improved SEO. Make use of predictive analytics to stay on top of future content trends, and apply semantic SEO to ensure the content answers user intent, query context, etc.
  7. Conduct a final SEO audit to identify any optimization gaps, then export your content and finalize it for publishing.

PreWriter’s combination of AI and SEO is comprehensive, covering various facets of content production and optimization. This automated yet intelligent system ensures high-quality writing is produced efficiently while satisfying search engines and meeting user intent. By taking advantage of such cutting-edge tools, writers and marketers can vastly increase workflow efficiency and gain an edge in today’s digital marketplace.

Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the website.

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (3)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO Content posts is better than the last!

3 Replies to “Meet PreWriter: The AI Content Creation Suite That Empowers Writers”

Hi Bruce,

I wanted to express my gratitude for your insightful article on PreWriter. As a content creator, I found the detailed explanation of how this AI tool can enhance the efficiency and quality of writing incredibly valuable. The blend of AI with SEO optimization and the emphasis on maintaining a human touch resonates with my approach to content creation. Your breakdown of its features and benefits was clear and compelling, making me eager to try it out.

Best regards,

Intrigued by’s evolution! Love how it goes beyond basic AI writing to empower creativity. Will definitely test it out for brainstorming future blog posts.


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