What Are the Most Frequently Disavowed Domains, URLs, IPs and ccTLDs? DisavowFiles.com

In June 2015, Bruce Clay launched DisavowFiles.com. Our goal was to create an easy to use tool that allows you to see whether or not other webmasters are disavowing a site.

DisavowFiles is a free, crowdsourced project. Upload your disavow files to the database and see what domains linking to yours have been disavowed by others, in turn. It’s a community project that everyone is invited to participate in to put the power of disavow transparency back into SEOs’ hands.

There’s been lots to learn along the way.

Since release, we’ve captured a lot of data. To date there are:

  • 1,840,287,252,622 disavowed URLs
  • 13,997,396 disavowed domains

This is a lot of data from the SEO community, so we thought we’d say thank you by sharing some crucial information about the disavow files that have been uploaded.


Top 10 Domain Wide Disavows

The following are the top ten domain wide disavows across all disavow files that were submitted.

  1. http://prlog.ru
  2. http://topalternate.com
  3. http://askives.com
  4. http://m.biz
  5. http://the-globe.com
  6. http://theglobe.net
  7. http://theglobe.org
  8. http://stuffgate.com
  9. http://webstatsdomain.org
  10. http://dig.do
  11. http://mrwhatis.net

Top 20 URL Level Disavows

The following are the top twenty URL-level disavows across all disavow files.

  1. http://prlog.ru
  2. http://topalternate.com
  3. http://similarpages.com
  4. http://askives.com
  5. http://vnseo.com
  6. http://stuffgate.com
  7. http://webstatsdomain.org
  8. http://findeen.co.uk
  9. http://botw.org
  10. http://boxwind.com
  11. http://wopular.com
  12. http://popular.jp0.ru
  13. http://ppfinder.com
  14. http://busi-wiki.com
  15. http://siterow.com
  16. http://5go.cc
  17. http://webstats7.net
  18. http://trafficip.com
  19. http://keywordslanding.net
  20. http://ygaskme.com

Top 15 Disavowed IPs

The following are the top fifteen disavowed IPs:


Most Disavowed ccTLDs (Domain Level)

The following are most disavowed ccTLDs on the domain-wide level:

  1. .com
  2. .net
  3. .info
  4. .ru
  5. .uk
  6. .pl
  7. .de
  8. .biz
  9. .nl
  10. .us

Most Disavowed ccTLDs (URL Level)

The following are most disavowed ccTLDs on the URL level:

  1. .com
  2. .net
  3. .uk
  4. .info
  5. .pl
  6. .de
  7. .au
  8. .cn
  9. .ru
  10. .nl

Good Sites People Disavowed

Sometimes good links can get listed on a disavow file, and that’s dangerous according to Google.

Below is the number of times people disavowed non-malicious sites like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Site URL Level Domain Level
google.com 73 25
bing.com 1 3
yahoo.com 89 70
facebook.com 25 6
twitter.com 3 2

Obviously our data doesn’t include everything out there on the web, but it is still interesting to see what people are disavowing.

What’s Next for Disavow Files?

Googler Gary Illyes recommends judicious use of disavow files, saying that disavows can directly impact SEO.

We hope you will use the tool to gather insight on your disavow data and provide intelligence to the community. Upload your disavow files at DisavowFiles.com.

*Disclaimer: This article is not an instructional piece giving information about which sites to disavow. Our only aim is to provide the SEO community with insight about the common tendencies of disavow files. Bruce Clay, Inc. recommends that all the domains you elect to disavow be reviewed and approved by an SEO expert prior to submitting to search engines. For further direction or assistance, please see our Complete Guide to Disavowing Links for Google and Bing or consider our SEO Penalty Assessment Service.

Ryon Flack is an SEO analyst, formerly part of the SEO team here at Bruce Clay Inc. He is a passionate autodidact, always enjoys learning new things, and hopes to one day write a book about the intricacies of digital marketing and business.

See Ryon's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (18)
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18 Replies to “What Are the Most Frequently Disavowed Domains, URLs, IPs and ccTLDs? DisavowFiles.com”

I think this project is great but maybe more care should be use in vetting your users. A “want-a- be” Black Hatter could use this list as a guild to find places to put their toxic links.

Google has all the tech needed to manage and mitigate link without the Disavow Tool.

You have to ask why did they create the disavow tool?

Paula Allen

John: Interestingly, just today there’s an article by Marie Haynes reporting on the efficacy of disavowing links in some cases even today: https://www.mariehaynes.com/does-disavowing-links-work-2019/

Thanks for sharing. It’s a great article. I had never heard of this tool before.

Strangely enough, I had never heard of this tool until today. I’m glad I came across it because we recently received a negative SEO email threat from a hacker group out of Europe. We’ll have to watch closely over the coming weeks so I hope this will help in our efforts to deflect any issues.

Yes, this is all true. However I am confused about the progress of submitting a request in disavow tool.

How much time does it take to get some results from it?

Paula Allen

JDM: Thanks for participating! Once you upload a disavow file, you can use the Domain Look-up tool to see data about your site, including the number of external backlinks pointed at your domain, number of referring domains, Majestic’s Trust Flow and Citation Flow scores for your domain, as well as how many times your domain or its URLs have been disavowed by others in the database. The data about individual backlinks to your site that have been disavowed by others usually shows up within a couple of hours. If you still have questions, email support@disavowfiles.com.

Yeah really strange to see Best Of The Web on there since people were paying hundreds of dollars for those links. Have they been found to pull websites down who had legacy listings, perhaps?

We rarely disavow a link and find with some of the recent algo updates that Google does a good job weeding these out. Webmaster should be very careful using this tool and know what they are doing.

Ryon Flack

Well said! I agree that all those using the disavow tool should be VERY careful with disavowing any domain. It is a powerful tool that can harm a site if you’re not careful.

Thank you! This is an amazing post . I found here a very useful resource! we must try this. Great!

Its worth sharing this article.

Thanks for sharing. This seems a great resource.

I’ve found linked from Google itself, It’s a good sign right?

Paula Allen

Jasa Penbuatan: People should be very careful not to disavow legitimate domains such as Facebook.com, Google.com, Wikipedia.com, etc. You want links from those places!

Google Support calls the disavow tool “an advanced feature” because it can let webmasters shoot themselves in the foot. For help using it correctly, see https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2648487?hl=en

Thank you! This is an wonderful resource! Great!

Thanks for sharing Ron :-)
—> Odd to see http://botw.org there

Blackhat seo’s must be having a field day with this tool. Not good.

Paula Allen

John Beagle: Hey John. Not sure why you would think so. This is a crowd-sourced, anonymized database. Webmasters and SEOs submit their disavow files to help build up the database; they then receive a list of sites linking to their own domain that have been disavowed by other sites. It’s a tool to inform legitimate SEOs of backlinks they should evaluate more closely. There’s no benefit for blackhat SEOs. For more explanation, see DisavowFiles.com.


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