A Change of Perspective, a Change of Heart: Why I’m Back and a Better Blogger for It

::stretches, yawns:: Good Monday morning! I hope you had a tranquil weekend. I did. In fact, I found myself pondering some of the mysteries of our modern age. Like, another September 11 anniversary just came and went. Are we ever going to find Osama bin Laden? And, what will be the popular Halloween costume this year? I’m hearing Chilean coal miner bandied about. I’d look super cute in a hardhat and overalls.

yawning cat

How about you? Are you revelling in the final days of this Indian summer? Soaking up the sun before it’s time to store the barbecue? What? It’s June, you say? Talk about a power nap.

Last time you saw me here was September of last year. Since then I’ve been living the fast and loose life of a freelance SEO blogger, copywriter and social media consultant. Well, guess what. I’m back! And while your first assumption must be that my freelance work dried up and I’ve returned, head down, tail between my legs, that’s honestly not the case.

It’s actually that I discovered that the life of a work-from-home writer didn’t suit me. At this stage in my life, after an inventory of my professional strengths, weaknesses and priorities, it became clear that I thrive in the structured and supportive setting of a collaborative office environment. Once I came to that realization, the office where I wanted to work was clear to me, if only they’d have me back. As it turns out, they missed me here, too!

Now here’s the thing. Although it might look like, nine months later, I’ve ended up exactly where I left off, the truth is there’s a new woman standing before you. There’s been a good deal of professional growth since last September. My understanding of SEO and social media has developed through real-world practice and close-up experience. By changing my perspective, I learned a lot about this complex, gritty craft we call Internet marketing.

1. Getting my hands dirty

After nearly 3 years at Bruce Clay, Inc., I thought I’d seen it all. I’d been to a dozen search marketing conferences, interviewed more than 100 top-of-field experts, and read and written at length about the Internet marketing industry. Drawn to the bright lights and late nights of New York City, I decided I’d give contracting and consultancy a go from my Brooklyn bedroom. I became immersed in writing website content, and it soon became clear that what I thought would be a simple transition from agency to freelance was truly a different game altogether.

What that means as a blogger at Bruce Clay, Inc. is that my knowledge of real-life, technical Internet marketing has gone from largely theoretical to unmistakably practical. I’ve got stories from the real world I never had before. I can speak confidently where before I felt timid or uncertain.

2. Tearing down the wall

By comparison, I discovered that agency life can be isolating. My responsibilities for client content work came with the safety net of a team of SEO consultants and project managers that kept me from receiving much direct feedback from clients. If a problem did arise, of course, I’d be informed through the designated channels, and I got approvals and thanks through these communication pathways as well. But by in large, I rarely heard an enthusiastic response, be it positive or negative, about the work I did.

When I became my one-woman consulting show, I knew exactly how my clients felt about my work and the results it was garnering. I had to answer to them for all my successes and failures. The pressure of accountability was a reality check that’s made me a better writer and creator.

3. Becoming the SMB

There’s nothing quite like walking a mile in a man’s shoes to teach you about his challenges and goals. As a freelance writer and consultant, I suddenly became boss of my own little business endeavor. My livelihood depended on the success of my business. Any shortcomings meant a direct hit to my lifestyle and security. In other words, the stakes got a lot higher.

I can relate to small business owners in a way I never could before, with the understanding that my family, home and emotional sanity rely on the work that gets done. There’s really no way to impress that information other than to live it. I now apply my skills and services with a previously unknown zeal, excited that the work I provide can amount to significant improvements in people’s businesses, and in turn, their happiness.

It’s good to be back.

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (17)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent Digital Marketing Optimization posts is better than the last!

17 Replies to “A Change of Perspective, a Change of Heart: Why I’m Back and a Better Blogger for It”

I like the last paragraph, “excited that the work I provide can amount to significant improvements in people’s businesses, and in turn, their happiness.” SEO is about helping people to improve their businesses performance rather than keep thinking making money from our clients.

You know we got Osama right?

Otherwise, nice post and good to see you again.

Virginia Nussey

Huh. Here’s hoping I can keep up on industry news better than world news. Thanks, John!


Great to know you’re back…will be interesting to hear your experiences being an independent consultant vs being in an agency..many people think being an independent is easier..but as you put it it’s a lot harder than one thinks.Anyways once again welcome back!

Virginia Nussey

Thanks! I totally agree – independents are straight husslers! Glad to be back, slacking off in my cushy digs. ;)

Mom Esparza

Welcome home!

Virginia Nussey

(hugs) Thanks, Mom Esparza!

Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing about your experiences outside.

Virginia Nussey

I’m feeling welcomed already. Thanks, Sammy!

Woohoo! Glad to see you back in action ;) I had to do a double take when I saw this in my feed reader.

Virginia Nussey

Your eyes do not deceive you! Thanks, Brent!

“the understanding that my family, home and emotional sanity rely on the work that gets done. There’s really no way to impress that information other than to live it.”

So true, I wish more made the jump like you did!

Virginia Nussey

Thanks, Joe! I feel like a brand new blogger!

Glad to see you back, can’t wait to read more of your updates here. :)

Virginia Nussey

I missed being here. Thanks, Kristi :)

Virginia Nussey

:D Thanks, Barry!


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