Enhancing AdWords for a Constantly Connected World #enhancedcampaigns

Google Lead Product Manager Surojit Chatterjee is presenting, and starts with intros. When he asks people to raise their hand in response to questions, I see that the audience is made up of really experienced AdWords marketers, most with 5+ years experience.

Consumer behavior has changed, even beyond search marketing. Enhanced Campaigns are going to take effort to adapt your strategy – know that Google is here to help. In the long run they are good changes, will be good for users and for advertisers.

There’s a Google Group and hashtag #enhancedcampaigns that he follows and is part of the convo every day so join if you have questions.

People are constantly connected. They’re on their phones, tablets, and other devices. More devices in sizes, shapes, capabilities are going to continue to come out and become an integrated part of our life. Users move between devices seamlessly. Each moment can be part of a multi-device journey in search.

90% continue research across multiple devices before a purchase is made. As consumers, we want businesses to be available and relevant to us whenever and wherever we are. Users want to accomplish something on the device that’s convenient.

Relevance depends on intent and context.


The old approach doesn’t scale. Using intent and context signals in a multi-device world requires a new approach. Enhanced Campaigns flex from a common base depending on the user context. It helps you reach people in the moments that matter across all devices, with smarter ads that are relevant to intent and context.

Adjust bids for different contexts at scale with bid adjustments.

Device: +10% on phone
Location: +20% in Palo Alto
Time: +5% 7:30 PM Friday
1.39x bid

Upgrade flow offers mobile bid adjustment traffic estimates.

Improve you results with location-based bid optimization. When you see campaign performance differ by geography, you can use location details reporting and vary your bid by distance to locations.

Select ads and extensions for mobile context. Call extensions and location extensions with call button are available for mobile in “device preference” check box. Call extensions can show on tablet and desktop at no charge.

Ad group level extensions can be more targeted. You can create ad group level extensions, which sounds like you specify your own Sitelinks. You can also schedule extensions, so depending on time of day you can show different offers. When your office is closed, don’t have click-to-call show up. Turn off/on each extension automatically for timed deals and new products.

Use offer extensions to drive in-store traffic and offline purchases. Connecting redemptions back in to AdWords and reporting it as a conversion is something they’re working on – it’s not there yet.

Advanced reporting to measure more conversion types: alls, digital downloads, in-store offers (working on), cross-device conversion (working on).

VivaStreet.fr is a French local classified site. They had a mobile site and mobile app for a long time and no mobile advertising. So they started with Enhanced Campaigns in February because it was a lot easier now. They saw +34% conversions and flat CPA.


1. Embrace today’s consumer by going multi-screen and consider full value of digital advertising.

2. Optimize bids for location and time using data from AdWords and your business.

3. Take advantage of smarter ads and extensions (calls, offers, apps).


Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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2 Replies to “Enhancing AdWords for a Constantly Connected World #enhancedcampaigns”

I’ve been using Adwords and Bingads for many years and have my opinions, but the main thing about them is that you can spend your shirt in a matter of a day if you’re not careful so it’s really difficult for the first time user. Over the last few years, I’ve been building several websites that use keyword phrases that my advertisers enter and RSS newsfeeds from Google’s blogsearch as well as standard title, decsription, and keywords to get the best of both and the pages rotate so what search engines see if different every visit even though the page looks similar to us humans. And it works. The site is ranked about 180k worldwide right now and has over 9000 advertisers. Another site I have built for a partner has close to 16000. Here’s the details and a full description of how it works and the technology behind it. http://www.jamesstoneseo.com/2012/02/29/how-my-sites-work/
It’s an alternative to PPC, but it does really work. I wonder what you think.

Regards, Doc

Going multi-screen enables content marketers to cast a wide net in terms of consumer reach. People are spending more time on tablets and smartphones when browsing online.


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