DIY SEO: 4 Questions to Ask Before You Start

Professional wearing hard hat and gloves holding wrench and screwdriver working on laptop.
Can you do search engine optimization on your own? It is true that SEO can be learned. And yes, you may find success on your own! That said, there are things to consider before you embark on this journey to make sure it’s a good fit:

First, Do You Have the Time?

It is likely the case that if you have a website, you have a business to run. Whether you are a solopreneur or a business with a team that wants to tackle SEO, you are busy.

SEO is not a one-time thing. Of course, there are one-time things that you will do at the outset of the project, but SEO is constant throughout the lifecycle of your site.

Consider some of the things you will need to do at the outset of an SEO initiative:

  • Installing and configuring analytics
  • Making sure the site is mobile-friendly
  • Diagnosing site speed and addressing issues
  • Making sure the site is secure
  • Keyword research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Whole-SERP strategy

And here is what you should do at minimum on a monthly basis with tasks broken up throughout the weeks:

  • Create and publish authoritative, expert content.
  • Monitor link profile and address anything that needs to be fixed.
  • Run site crawls, review reports and fix website issues.
  • Monitor analytics and data, including rankings and traffic, implement new strategies as needed.
  • Optimize existing content, including page optimization, page combining, redirecting irrelevant pages, etc.
  • Conduct competitive analysis, implement new strategies as needed.

Of course, it is not always this cut and dry. You will need to have the discernment on what tasks will give you the most ROI in the quickest amount of time.

Here are some resources as you get started on your journey:

Can You Diagnose Website Problems?

When rankings and traffic tank, will you know how to diagnose the problem? You will run into problems with traffic at some point.

This means you will have to pivot and turn your attention to finding and fixing the issue. Was it a Google change? Is there new competition? Did something happen offline that would impact your traffic? Did you redesign your website or do something else to it?

To be blunt: This diagnosis often takes a lot of wisdom and experience. It is not likely something you will be able to figure out easily when you are just starting out.

If and when you have figured out and fixed the problem, you will then need to catch up on your day-to-day SEO deliverables. Unfortunately, the fast-paced nature of organic search means the picture can change on a dime – even if you divert resources for a month.

Here are some resources as you get started:

Are You Committed to Learning?

On top of everything else, you will need to commit to SEO learning.

You will need to understand when Google changes things and how it may impact your website. You will want to learn the latest strategies in SEO and how to perfect the best practices. All of this takes time, as in hours each month set aside for education.

In any given month you might:

  • Read search engine news publications
  • Take a webinar or two
  • Go through modules in a training course
  • Discuss issues you’re having in forums or Q&A sessions with SEOs or Google
  • Attend a conference or event (virtually or in person)
  • Reference pages in an SEO book

Then, you can apply the things you’ve learned to your daily / weekly / monthly tasks.

You cannot let yourself get stale here. Good SEO strategies come from continuous learning – you learn when you do SEO, and you learn when you listen to others.

These resources will help you on your journey:

Do You Have Any Budget for Help?

When you are DIY’er, things can get hard. There will be problems that you cannot fix on your own. You will seek advice.

If you are doing SEO on your own, you may not want to spend more money on outside expertise. But if you have a little budget set aside, you can get the type of help you need to get you over the humps.

For example, you could invest in two important things on your SEO journey:

  • The SEO audit, will uncover where your website is hurting SEO and a list of things to fix. This is a great thing to have at the outset of an SEO initiative.
  • A block of hours you can use as you wish to help with tough questions or special projects outside your expertise; especially helpful for when you get stuck.

Having just a little bit of help to start and then when things get rough along the way can help you be more successful with your DIY SEO program.

I recommend checking out these resources:

So, is DIY SEO worth it?

It depends on if you will prioritize the time for SEO, how committed you are to keeping up with it, and if you can set aside some budget for outside help as needed.

If you feel like any of those will be too hard, then I recommend either not doing SEO or hiring outside expertise when you are able to.

Don’t have the time for SEO? Unsure where to start? Our SEO experts can help. Reach out to us for a free consultation.

FAQ: Can I do search engine optimization on my own and achieve results?

Individuals can take on SEO themselves and achieve positive outcomes, but there are a few critical factors they must get “right” to succeed.

The Power of DIY SEO

Search engine optimization is not an arcane art reserved only for specialized agencies. With the proper knowledge and dedication, individuals can handle SEO themselves and achieve favorable results. SEO is a never-ending journey that requires constant effort, commitment, and the willingness to adapt to ever-evolving search algorithms.

Knowledge and Ongoing Education

Before beginning your DIY SEO journey, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of SEO. This includes keyword research, on-page optimization, and linking strategies. To stay abreast of current trends and stay abreast of changing priorities, it is also wise to familiarize yourself with SEO resources such as webinars or forums dedicated to this discipline. Continuous learning is critical to keeping your SEO strategies effective and relevant.

Evaluating Your Resources

While taking on SEO yourself can save costs, assessing whether you have the necessary time and resources to invest in the process is essential. SEO requires regular monitoring, analysis, and adjustments, which can be time-consuming. Consider whether you have the bandwidth to tackle these tasks effectively.

Crafting a Targeted SEO Plan

A well-crafted SEO plan is crucial for achieving positive results. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords for your website. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your target audience’s needs and incorporates your chosen keywords naturally into your content.

Measuring and Adapting

The success of your DIY SEO efforts relies on consistent measurement and adaptation. Monitor your website’s rankings, organic traffic, and conversion rates regularly. Web analytics tools can help identify areas for improvement and gain insight into user behaviors. Based on this data, make informed decisions and adjust SEO strategies as necessary.

Doing search engine optimization on your own is entirely possible and can lead to positive outcomes for your website. By acquiring the necessary knowledge, creating a targeted plan, and continuously adapting your strategies, you can achieve meaningful results through DIY SEO.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Achieving Success with DIY SEO

  1. Educate Yourself on SEO Fundamentals
  2. Familiarize Yourself with Reputable SEO Resources
  3. Engage in SEO Webinars and Forums
  4. Assess Your Time and Resources
  5. Develop a Targeted SEO Plan
  6. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research
  7. Create an Audience-Centric Content Strategy
  8. Naturally Incorporate Keywords into Your Content
  9. Monitor Rankings, Traffic, and Conversions Regularly
  10. Use Web Analytics Tools for Insights
  11. Identify Areas for Improvement
  12. Make Informed Decisions and Adjust Strategies
  13. Continue Learning and Adapting
  14. Stay Up-to-Date with Search Algorithm Changes
  15. Optimize for Mobile and User Experience
  16. Regularly Conduct SEO Audits
  17. Address Technical SEO Issues
  18. Build High-Quality Backlinks
  19. Engage in Content Promotion and Outreach
  20. Measure and Evaluate Results Periodically

Web analytics tools can help identify areas for improvement and gain insight into user behaviors. Based on this data, make informed decisions and adjust SEO strategies as necessary.

Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the website.

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (6)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO posts is better than the last!

6 Replies to “DIY SEO: 4 Questions to Ask Before You Start”

SEO is a powerful tool for improving your digital marketing strategy and reaching your target audience more effectively.

Thanks for the info, it’s relevant to me. I want to do my own promotion.

nice article, before DIY SEO, we have focus on these poists.

thank you for deep and easy explanation

Really a nice and helpful post. Thanks for sharing.


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