The 4 Critical Things Companies Need for SEO Success

Professional taking notes during a meeting.

What does it take to succeed in SEO?

The answer is easy but the following things take work:

  1. Management support and company-wide commitment
  2. SEO training and education
  3. Access to SEO experts
  4. Reasonable expectations and a willingness to adapt

FAQ: What do companies need to focus on to achieve SEO success?

Let’s dive into the four critical things companies need to be successful in SEO.

1. Management Support and Company-Wide Commitment

Years ago, we delivered more than 100 pages of an SEO audit to one of the largest research and review sites in the automotive sector.

They wanted to do everything we recommended, and to do that, it involved everyone in the company, from the execs to IT to marketing and everyone in between.

So the chairman called a company meeting to announce that SEO would be a key initiative and that they were either on board or they could find somewhere else to work.

That may seem harsh, but their results paid off: A 900% increase in traffic in just the first week after launch.

Implementing SEO is like adding a new business strategy. You can’t “sort of” do SEO or pick and choose some SEO tactics while ignoring others.

This is why you first need management buy-in. The decision-makers need to see SEO as a high-level function. And then, when the company hires an SEO in-house or partners with an agency, they need to look at that role as an executive position.

The right SEO professional will make sophisticated, complex decisions about your online marketing strategy that can and should directly affect the bottom line.

Once management understands the importance of SEO as part of the business model, the commitment to the vision should trickle down from the top.

2. SEO Education and Training

How do you get management on board in the first place? It all starts with education on why SEO is a functional part of the business and how it can generate traffic and revenue.

It’s a big job trying to convince management that SEO is a critical component of the business. But luckily there are a lot of resources to help support your case for SEO.

For instance, you can:

Once you have buy-in, building company-wide support starts with SEO training. Training ensures your SEO practices are consistent, and that the team has a collective knowledge to work together.

With so many options to learn SEO, it can be hard to know which to choose. Over the past few years, companies have kicked online SEO training into high gear – but not all options are equal. To help you evaluate which training course is right for you, see my article on Search Engine Land.

It is time for businesses to rethink their SEO training. I recommend online training that provides the community and support of an in-person class. We have a great SEO training platform that gives you the education, resources and support you need to succeed in SEO.

3. Access to Expert SEOs

Sometimes educating management is smoother when you involve the experts like outside consultants, agencies or hiring in-house.

These professionals can help anyone better understand the breadth of what’s involved. They can also look at your website to give specific recommendations on strategy (called an SEO audit) and can serve as a sounding board for specific questions or problems.

They can also help put in place organization-wide SEO strategies for long-term success. These experts can be the teachers and trainers for your organization if you decide not to enroll in SEO training elsewhere.

Make sure to find an agency or consultant that offers services in line with your particular needs. For example, some SEO vendors only offer packages with little customization when what you really need is a block of hours to use however you choose.

Before deciding on outside help, brush up on the top expert skills of an SEO agency.

And if you’re hiring in-house, be sure to ask the right interview questions for SEO analysts.

4. Reasonable Expectations and a Willingness to Adapt

A healthy SEO strategy takes time. Understanding this is part of the education process before the SEO plan is even implemented. Programs that create long-term value are like fine wine – they get better with age.

Companies sometimes expect immediate rankings, traffic, and conversions. And they think SEOs are doing something wrong when they don’t see it.

Sometimes improvements to a site can show immediate results in some areas, other times the big impactful results don’t show for months.

It’s all about building momentum and results, and progress depends on the health of the site before the SEO implementation. SEO is not meant to be a quick-fix strategy. But once things start rolling, the ROI of SEO can be incredible.

It can also be hard for companies to let go of their site and trust it in the hands of others – or to try new SEO tactics in the face of a changing landscape. This is common when resources have been deeply invested in the development of the sites.

If you’re in good hands with your SEOs, then you need to learn to trust that they’re the experts.

And yes, it may take time to rebuild your site from an SEO perspective. It may also mean that much of what you’ve done with your site needs to be reworked.

But it’s all part of the SEO game. You will have to adapt SEO many times over to respond to Google changes, competition, and other changes and economic conditions; but SEO – when done right – is something you won’t regret.

If implementing in-house SEO feels daunting, let our experts run your SEO. You can learn more about how we help our clients excel with specialized SEO strategies that deliver real results. Fill out our contact form to schedule a FREE 1:1 consultation.

FAQ: What do companies need to focus on to achieve SEO success?

To achieve success in SEO, companies must focus on four critical aspects: management support and company-wide commitment, SEO training, and education, access to SEO experts, and maintaining reasonable expectations with a willingness to adapt. Implementing these factors requires effort and dedication, but the rewards are worth it.

Management Support and Company-Wide Commitment

For SEO to be effective, it requires a company-wide commitment. This means involving everyone in the organization, from executives to IT to marketing and beyond. A key step is gaining management support and making SEO a high-level function. When the decision-makers recognize SEO’s importance and dedicate resources to it, the results can be remarkable. For example, a research and review site in the automotive sector experienced a 900% increase in traffic within the first week of implementing SEO strategies.

SEO Education and Training

To gain management support, it is crucial to educate them on the value of SEO in driving traffic and generating revenue. Numerous resources are available to support this cause, such as articles and webinars focused on convincing stakeholders of SEO’s significance. Once the company understands the importance of SEO, training becomes essential. Consistent SEO practices and collective knowledge within the team can be achieved through training programs. When selecting online training options, prioritize those that provide a supportive community similar to an in-person class.

Access to Expert SEOs

Engaging SEO experts can greatly aid in educating management and implementing successful SEO strategies. These professionals, such as consultants or agencies, can offer recommendations through SEO audits, address specific questions or problems and develop organization-wide SEO strategies. It is important to choose an agency or consultant that aligns with your needs and offers customization options. Additionally, when hiring in-house SEO analysts, ask the right interview questions to ensure a suitable fit for your company.

Reasonable Expectations and a Willingness to Adapt

A vital aspect of successful SEO is maintaining reasonable expectations and being open to adaptation. It is crucial to understand that SEO strategies take time to yield results. While some improvements may have an immediate impact, significant and lasting outcomes may take months to materialize. SEO is not a quick-fix solution but a long-term investment. Trusting the expertise of SEO professionals and allowing them to make necessary changes is key. Embracing changes in Google algorithms, competition, and economic conditions is essential for continuous success.

Companies aiming for success in SEO should prioritize management support and company-wide commitment, invest in SEO education and training, leverage the expertise of SEO professionals, and maintain reasonable expectations while adapting to changes. By dedicating effort to these areas, companies can unlock the full potential of SEO and reap the long-term benefits it offers.

Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the website.

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (2)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO posts is better than the last!

2 Replies to “The 4 Critical Things Companies Need for SEO Success”

Clients with reasonable expectations? That would be nice.

This article resonates with me. Succeeding in SEO requires management support, education, expert guidance, and adaptability. It’s a challenging but rewarding journey. Trusting in the process and embracing change are key.


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