A Corporate Blogger’s Starter Guide

At some point, Lisa Barone penned a post on Outspoken Media, seductively titled Why I Hate Bloggers. She made a point most people can relate to: there are more blogs that you don’t read than those you do read. It’s funny hearing the message come from a renowned blogger — an entertaining, educational, well-respected one, at that — but we all know where she’s coming from.

The advent of blogging has brought on a pretty significant shift in the way people communicate and, with its growing popularity, has attracted all kinds to the blogging arena. As expected, some blog content is more appreciated by a general readership than other blog content. But from personal experience, I believe that almost every would-be blogger has thoughts and ideas worth sharing. Likewise, many businesses would benefit by communicating important news and events through an informal medium that invites engagement, like a blog. The key is figuring out how to communicate in a way an audience will embrace.

Over the years, Bruce Clay, Inc. bloggers have written pretty extensively about corporate blogging here on the BCI blog. In fact, today I was messing around with some of the categories used on the blog and I realized there’s a veritable treasure trove of corporate blogging resources hidden within the archives. It’s about time some of those posts saw the light of day again, so I’ve rounded some of them up to bring you a fast-and-sweet starter guide for corporate blogging.

Why Blog?

Corporate Blogging Isn’t About the Media: Who says traditional companies shouldn’t have blogs? To the contrary, Lisa explains that if a company doesn’t know how to share their message through online media, they might as well quit already. A company should blog, not for media attention, but rather, to engage customers: “The sooner you realize that your corporate blog isn’t about you or your company or the media and that it’s about your audience, the greater your blogger experience is going to be.” Traditional companies that are afraid of entering the blogosphere should realize that the Web isn’t going anywhere any time soon and that opportunities online abound.

The State of Blogging

A Report on Blogging: Last September, Technorati published a series that analyzed trends and themes of blogging and surveyed the effect of blogging and blogs. There are almost a million new posts published every day, proving that the medium has gone mainstream. Already, new channels are springing up to be the next big thing and blogging is a widely-accepted and relatively-understood communication medium. Blogging has proven profitable for some, and the medium continues to evolve.

Finding Content Ideas

Don’t Be Popular. Be Useful.: It’s often tempting to pay attention to metrics that illustrate the popularity of blog posts through stats like retweets or page views. But focusing solely on visibility can get you to take your eye off the prize — providing something valuable and useful to readers. Of course you want to author a must-read blog, but you’ll achieve that by giving readers something unique or previously unknown.

Finding Your Blogger Voice

Can You Be A Corporate Blogger Without Losing Yourself?: Any corporate blogger may eventually face a time when his or her opinion conflicts with the organization’s stance. It can be a challenge to keep a balance between supporting the company and maintaining personal authenticity. But organizations that completely marginalize dissenting opinions are in danger of losing their audience’s trust. There’s little harm in mentioning different viewpoints because it makes the organization look open to diversity and even gives the company a chance to argue their opinion as well. In the end, it helps when the blogger and the company hold many of the same values and goals.

Using Blogging for Reputation Management

Using Your Blog To Keep Fires on Your Own Site: No matter how hard you try to avoid it, some disgruntled customer is going to flame your company online. Understandably, online reputation management is a growing industry, as well as a growing priority for many businesses. A blog is a convenient tool that can help companies stay informed of and contribute to conversations. A blog is a great place to announce possible concerns, new procedures and technical difficulties, among other reputation nightmares. By addressing your audience up front, you can gain trust and maintain some measure of control in the discussion.

Tips for Liveblogging

A Guide for Liveblogging a Search Conference: A veteran liveblogger, Lisa shares her tips for the real-time, on-the-road blogging style known as liveblogging. Don’t forget to bring your hardware, plan your topics ahead of time, claim a good spot near a power outlet, turn on your best focusing power, and don’t drive yourself too crazy with editing.

Ready to supercharge your corporate blog? Contact us today to unlock the full potential of your content and engage your audience like never before.  Talk to us.

FAQ: How can I create a successful corporate blog?

An effective corporate blog requires an integrated approach encompassing careful planning, continuous effort, an understanding of your audience, and an awareness of the digital environment.

Here, I’ll highlight key strategies for creating and maintaining a corporate blog that engages audiences, builds brand recognition, and produces tangible results. My expertise lies in digital marketing and content strategy and I can offer tips and practical advice that can help you meet your blogging goals.

  1. Define Your Goals and Audience

Before you begin crafting your corporate blog, it’s crucial to define your objectives and understand your target audience. Your goals may include increasing brand visibility, generating leads, or establishing thought leadership. Once you have clear objectives, create detailed buyer personas to guide your content strategy.

  1. Develop a Content Strategy

An effective corporate blog begins with an effective content strategy. Focus on creating posts that align with both your audience’s interests and brand expertise. Use keyword research to identify relevant topics and create an editorial calendar to plan your content in advance.

  1. High-Quality Content Creation

Produce high-quality and valuable content for your readers. Your blog posts should provide unique solutions or insights into industry issues. Keep readers engaged by offering variety in terms of formats like articles, infographics videos, and podcasts.

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Use keywords and meta tags to optimize your blog posts, as well as internal and external links, ensuring they load quickly on mobile phones and are mobile-friendly. Engaging, search-engine-optimized content will attract organic traffic.

  1. Promote Your Blog

First step to creating great content is to promote it actively via social media, email marketing, and online communities. Engage your target audience by responding to comments and encouraging social sharing.

  1. Measure and Analyze

Google Analytics is an invaluable way to monitor your blog’s performance. Track metrics such as page views, engagement rates, and conversion rates – data that will allow you to improve content strategy as well as make informed decisions.

  1. Stay Updated

The digital landscape is constantly changing. Stay current with the latest industry trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. Implement new technologies, such as chatbots or AI-driven content, to enhance user experience.

  1. Collaborate and Network

Engaging influencers and experts in your field is an effective way to reach a wider audience and establish credibility. Collaboration content will also help expand reach. Networking with others can also provide valuable insights and opportunities for guest posting.

  1. Consistency is Key

Regularly publish new content on a consistent schedule. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, consistency is crucial to keep your audience engaged and returning for more.

  1. Learn from Mistakes

Not every blog post will be a hit. Learn from your failures and adapt your strategy accordingly. Strive to obtain continuous feedback from your audience to enhance the quality of your content.

An effective corporate blog requires consistent effort and an in-depth knowledge of its target audience. Here are some helpful tips from experts for developing an engaging corporate blog that achieves results, builds authority for your brand, and keeps readers coming back for more!

Step-by-Step Procedure to Create a Successful Corporate Blog:

  1. Define your goals and target audience.
  2. Develop a comprehensive content strategy.
  3. Ensure your content is high-quality and valuable.
  4. Optimize your content for SEO.
  5. Promote your blog through various channels.
  6. Measure and analyze your blog’s performance.
  7. Stay updated with industry trends.
  8. Collaborate and network with experts.
  9. Maintain a consistent publishing schedule.
  10. Learn from your mistakes and continuously improve your strategy.

This article was updated on November 28, 2023.

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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3 Replies to “A Corporate Blogger’s Starter Guide”

Blogging can provide a useful business tool not only to promote your ideas but more importantly receive feedback and ideas from you customers. This will help you response to your customers more effectively and address issues more quickly. This will therefore allowing you to manage your reputation and keep your customers on board.

Give proper advice or suggestion to the customer,and feel free to share particular info.regarding the customers query.And discuss on it which makes customers happy.Social media is play a great role in this.

The “Why” is exactly right. It’s not about you; doing things like blogging are to help you listen to your customers and to help them with their needs. This ties in perfectly with your content ideas be useful, not popular. Write content that helps solve your customers problems, makes their lives easier. Blogging and other social media outlets can be very useful to your company if you focus on your customers and what’s best for them.


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