How to Create a Mobile-Friendly Navigation in 7 Steps

We are officially living in a mobile-first world. Google has switched to a mobile-first index — which means Google ranks your website based on your mobile content, relevance, and UX.

Your mobile navigation (menus and internal links) contributes to all three and must work for users and for SEO.

Good mobile navigation makes it easy for people to find what they need without bogging down page speed or cluttering the screen. Your mobile menu and other navigation links also need to keep PageRank flowing to the important pages that you want to rank well in search.

Site navigations historically included everything on a site in huge, multi-tiered lists. On mobile, that approach doesn’t work. It looks cluttered. It requires scrolling. And it causes your visitors to bounce away.

Bruce explains why mobile navigation decisions affect SEO and UX.

Make life easier for people visiting your business site on a mobile device.

Here are seven mobile-friendly navigation best practices:

  1. Keep mobile navigation short and sweet
  2. List the most important pages first
  3. Think of search as part of your navigation
  4. Make your navigation intuitive
  5. Be thoughtful about fonts and contrast
  6. Design for touch
  7. Design for the multi-screen mobile user

FAQ: How can I optimize my website’s navigation for mobile users to enhance user experience and SEO?

Note: All of the mobile navigation tips mentioned in this article equally apply to separate mobile sites, responsive design sites, and sites that dynamically serve web pages. If you’re not sure what that means or which mobile platform is best for you, read our Cheat Sheet for Mobile Design.

7 Mobile Navigation Best-Practice Steps for UX & SEO

Step 1: Keep Mobile Navigation Short and Sweet

Many mobile phone screens are only 720 pixels wide in portrait mode.

Designing mobile navigation means designing for a small screen size. With limited real estate available, there’s no room for clutter. Get right to the point, then cut the fat.

Keep your labels as short as possible while still communicating clearly. But also limit the number of options in your mobile menus.

Ask yourself, what links need to be included to help your user complete priority tasks? What elements from the desktop navigation aren’t relevant in the mobile environment?

To save your user from decision paralysis, we recommend you limit your mobile navigation to four to eight items on the top level. Your mobile navigation menu is not the place to link to every page in your site.

To keep it short and sweet, you may even consider adding a top-of-page logo that navigates to the homepage and leaving the Home button out of your navigation together (as on the BCI website below).

Mobile menu navigation on
BCI’s mobile navigation

Some mobile menus require multi-level navigation to aid user experience. This is more common with ecommerce websites. If you must go there, keep it as simple as possible. Don’t add more than one sublevel of drop-down functionality.

If your navigation must include more items, a vertically oriented navigation activated from a menu icon is the best option.

If your mobile user’s typical needs are very limited, consider using a static navigation that runs across the top of your design, as we see on the GameStop mobile site:

GameStop mobile view icons
GameStop uses static navigation across the top of its mobile-friendly view.

Navigation that requires horizontal scrolling probably won’t be mobile-friendly. Some sites have the resources to design a sleek image-based carousel type of interface, such as what Google uses for certain search results. That might be an exception but consider your audience.

Step 2: List the Most Important Pages First

Your website users don’t have a lot of time — or patience. How can you help them get to the right place faster?

To design your mobile site navigation, first think about the following:

  • What are your most important pages?
  • What are the top category pages outlined in your siloing strategy?
  • What are the most common actions taken by site visitors using smartphones?
  • What pages of your website most effectively satisfy a mobile user’s needs?

The answers to these questions influence not just which items go in your main menu, but also which links and calls to action you should put on each page.

You’ll want to keep your main navigation menu consistent throughout the site. It should point to the top four to eight landing pages (such as main category pages).

A short-and-sweet mobile nav is a win-win for SEO and your users. It preserves the flow of link equity to your most important pages while also helping users get around.

Once users arrive on a page, contextual links can move them to wherever makes sense. These links can be added within the body content of each page in a comfortable way.

For instance, a long blog post may have multiple sections and thousands of words. Have mercy on your mobile users — don’t make them scroll to find what may be pertinent to them. Some ideas:

  • Give anchor links at the top that jump a reader to the different sections below (as I did at the top of this article). This may also help search engines identify fragments of your content that answer specific search queries.
  • Show a TL;DR summary at the top of a long article. If readers want more detail, they’ll scroll down.
  • Include useful calls to action and links to related pages within the body copy where they make sense.

The mobile navigation model I’m describing — a short, consistent main menu coupled with contextual links that vary per page — actually supports siloing better than the massive structured menus of old. A parent only links to their children, maintaining a clear hierarchy and intuitive flow. Internal links allow PageRank to flow to topically related pages naturally.This mobile navigation model — a short, consistent main menu coupled with contextual links that vary per page — actually supports siloing better than a massive, multi-tiered menu. Share on X

When it comes to mobile users, quicker is always better! It will take some work for you to make each page deliver the most appropriate navigation options. But you’ll improve user experience and, no doubt, your ROI by giving visitors a more direct path to what they need.

While we’re on the topic of “quicker,” remember that fast mobile pages make for a better user experience. Google announced that a page’s load speed can factor into your Google search rankings, so the building of streamlined navigation is a worthwhile mobile SEO service to consider.

You can test your mobile page speed with Google’s mobile speed test (or use our SEOToolSet®).

Step 3: Think of Search as Part of Your Navigation

Mobile users look at search as navigation, and you should, too.

Consider On mobile, Amazon doesn’t even bother with the category drop-down menu (although it’s there under “Departments” if someone wants it). What’s prominent at the top of the mobile view is a simple “Search” box.

Even with its massive catalog, Amazon doesn’t expect users to navigate through menus to find what they need. Most of the time, customers just type in a product name and go directly to buy it.

The Search box is Amazon’s most mobile-friendly navigation option.

On mobile, your search box is often the most direct route to what a user needs.

Set it up and make sure it works well!

Step 4: Make Your Navigation Intuitive

Your customers work hard enough; navigating your site should not be work.

To make your navigation intuitive, menu language should always be written in a way that lets the user know what to expect. It should be clear what the item does if it’s a dropdown and exactly where it goes if it’s a link.

If you are using symbols to convey information to your users, make sure they are clear and conventional symbols. For instance, if your menu items drop-down, use an intuitive symbol like a plus sign (+) or an arrow (>) to let your users know that they can click to see more options.

Another best practice example would be using a magnifying glass to indicate a search feature.

If you are using a toggle menu, use three stacked lines — the icon highlighted in the example below — to help the user easily find your main nav.

REI mobile menu icon.
REI’s menu opens from a hamburger icon.

TIP: A hamburger-style menu icon like this may get more clicks if the word “menu” displays below it according to A/B testing. If your design has room, you might test this to see if it makes your mobile site more intuitive and increases clicks/conversions.

The goal is for your mobile navigation to make life easier by limiting thinking, scrolling, and clicking.

About Breadcrumbs in SERPs
It’s worth noting that since 2015, Google has displayed URLs in its mobile search results differently than it does in desktop SERPs. The change replaces a web page’s URL with a description of the page’s location in a breadcrumbs-like format. If this doesn’t scream the importance of siloing and a clear hierarchy, nothing does!

Now, rather than showing a page URL, Google’s mobile search results display a breadcrumb path beneath each title.

For example, mobile search results for “history of Google” include a Wikipedia result showing how the URL appeared in the past versus the current breadcrumb style:

Before and after URLs in Google mobile search
How Google’s mobile search result URLs have changed

TIP: You can control how your breadcrumb URLs appear if you add schema markup to the HTML on your pages. Refer to’s breadcrumbs structured data for details and Google’s help file on breadcrumbs. (For more on this update and what it means, see our post-Google’s New Mobile Breadcrumb URLs: Making the Most of Your Site Name & URL Structure.)

Step 5: Be Thoughtful about Fonts and Contrast

Your website users shouldn’t have to zoom in to read any of the text on your mobile website, including the text within your navigation.

Tiny text that requires zooming creates a bad user experience, and neither your website users nor Google or Bing likes poor user experiences.

All of the text on your mobile site needs to be large enough to be read on a variety of devices without zooming. This principle needs to be a top priority that you consider as you build your mobile-friendly CSS (cascading style sheets) to control the appearance of text on various devices.

To make your navigation text easy to read, choose a font that naturally adds enough space to distinguish between letters and is tall enough to be clearly read in a menu.

Your font size and style also depend on your brand’s style guide and what fits your unique demographic. For instance, a young audience may not struggle with smaller or condensed fonts as much as an older demographic would. The way you handle formatting such as bullet styles, capitalization, margins, captioning, and so on should also reflect what’s attractive to your audience and comfortable for them to read.

Once you decide, set up your CSS and create a written style guide to keep your content consistent.

For designing the look of your mobile navigation, best practices can’t give you a one-size-fits-all recommendation. What’s important is that every word on your mobile site can be read easily without zooming. I recommend you perform user testing to see first-hand whether your font is tripping up users.

Also, make sure there’s sufficient contrast between your text and its background. WebAIM guidelines offer rules for color contrast (recommending a minimum ratio of 4.5 to 1). You can try their contrast checker tool to see how your text treatment measures up.

Google gives a few examples of what different contrast ratios look like:

Examples of text-to-background contrast ratios
Text needs contrast against the background for readability on a phone. (Per Google)

In addition, Google points out that “classic readability theory suggests that an ideal column should contain 70 to 80 characters per line (about 8 to 10 words in English). Thus, each time the width of a text block grows past about 10 words, consider adding a breakpoint.”

This tip applies to body text; consider a shorter maximum length for your menu options.

Not sure if your text is easy to read? Run your site through Google’s Mobile Friendly Test tool.

Step 6: Design for Touch

Tablet and smartphone users rely on touchscreens to get them around websites. While a pointy mouse arrow allows users to precisely select items in tight spaces, the average finger or thumb requires a larger target to press. Many users don’t hit a touchscreen exactly where they are aiming.

Google recommends building mobile pages with a minimum touch target size of 48 pixels with a properly set viewport (more on that later). And touch targets should be spaced about 32 pixels apart, both horizontally and vertically.

Mobile touch target diagram
Buttons and touch targets should be big enough to be mobile friendly. (Per Google)

Build navigation buttons with a target smaller than 40 pixels, and your user experience plummets. Visitors end up sloppily navigating to the category above or below the one they want.

Don’t frustrate your users!

Since people are so bad at hitting their tap mark much of the time, it can also help to incorporate touch feedback into your navigation. Your feedback could be a color change, a blink of color, a font change, or another visual cue.

Even if it’s subtle, this feedback can improve user experience by helping to reassure users that they’ve selected the right item. Take a look at the example below from Search Engine Land:

Mobile menu color-change touch feedback on
Color changes show which menu item is touched on

If you are using multi-tier navigation, it’s also important that you make sure your drop-downs are activated by touch — not mouseover. Clearly, hover navigations work just fine in the desktop experience, where hovering is a possibility. But they leave mobile users stuck.

Another touch-friendly option is to design a supplementary navigation that uses images and exaggerated graphic buttons. This type of navigation can be a great homepage asset that gets your visitor headed in the right direction quickly.

Graphic buttons example
Vintage clothing site uses large graphic “button” with text labels for mobile-friendly navigation.

It’s important to note that graphic buttons like these should only be a supplemental option used alongside a toggle navigation or a static top navigation. You need to have a consistent navigation that the user can access at the top of every page.

While you may be able to include this graphic navigation at the bottom of your mobile pages, it’s not optimal or practical to use these big graphic buttons as your primary navigation. And always consider the load-time performance impact of images and buttons.

Be Careful with Popups
You also want to avoid intrusive interstitials — those popups that monopolize the screen when a visitor clicks through from a search result. In January 2017, Google rolled out an intrusive interstitial penalty for mobile search, which may grow in importance when intrusive interstitials get rolled into Google’s Page Experience update.

Per Google, “Since screen real-estate on mobile devices is limited, any interstitial negatively impacts the user’s experience.”

intrusive interstitial popup example
Example of an intrusive interstitial popup (credit: Google)

Be careful to use interactive forms and popups courteously. Some best practices for these include:

  • Apply a delay or time interval between views so you don’t annoy your visitors.
  • Reduce the amount of screen space your element covers.
  • Try a bar or box that scrolls in from the bottom or side.
  • Avoid covering the middle of the mobile screen or obstructing your navigation elements at the top.
  • Let no be no. If a user closes a form, don’t display it again within a reasonable period of time (perhaps a week later).

Step 7: Design for the Multi-Screen Mobile User

Chances are good that interested visitors come to your website using multiple devices over a short period of time.

To help them feel confident they’re in the right place, it’s smart to give your mobile and desktop sites a consistent visual theme.

Your mobile and desktop navigation, however, do not have to be — and sometimes should not be — identical twins.

While the colors, fonts, and themes you use for your mobile and desktop navigation need to be consistent to reinforce your branding, the similarity may end there.

Your mobile navigation needs to help users navigate around your website and accomplish tasks. Consider the content your smartphone users need and the tasks they are looking to accomplish, and then build your mobile navigation specifically for a smartphone user.

  • What mobile-specific calls to action need to be built into your navigation to aid user experience?
  • Does it make sense to include a “Call” button or a store locator?
  • Can a mobile user easily find essential information like your address, directions, phone number, hours of operation, or other facts?

Remember: Space is limited, mobile needs are unique, and on-the-go patience is minimal.

Because website visitors will use a variety of devices and screen sizes, specify a viewport using the viewport meta tag.

Meta viewport mistake on mobile screens
Websites need a scalable meta viewport for correct display on smartphones.

Common mobile mistakes include having a fixed-width viewport that doesn’t scale for all devices or assuming too wide of a viewport, which forces users on small screens to scroll horizontally.

Mobile-Friendly is Customer-Friendly

Creating a mobile-friendly navigation means creating a customer-friendly navigation that gets your personas moving in the right direction right away.

If you build an intuitive navigation that is easy to use, your website users will be headed toward conversion happiness in no time. Build a navigation that is frustrating or confusing, and they’ll be headed back to the search results and straight toward someone else’s website.

To keep your inbound visitors smiling, follow these best practices to make your mobile-friendly navigation:

✔ Short and sweet whenever possible
✔ Easy to read
✔ Task-oriented
✔ Prioritized with what’s most important listed first
✔ Accessible and placed consistently across all pages
✔ Clear, straightforward, and expected
✔ Vertical if scrolling is required (never use horizontal scrolling!)
✔ Easy on the eyes
✔ Finger-friendly
✔ Fast

Be a leader — share this post with friends or colleagues who are as interested in UX as you are. For more resources like this one, subscribe to our blog.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We regularly update this article for the Bruce Clay Blog.


FAQ: How can I optimize my website’s navigation for mobile users to enhance user experience and SEO?

Mobile website navigation optimization involves a delicate balance between simplicity and functionality. A cluttered navigation menu can overwhelm users, leading to higher bounce rates. To streamline navigation, prioritize essential menu items that guide visitors to your core content. Implement collapsible menus or a well-designed hamburger menu to preserve screen real estate while providing access to secondary sections.

Smooth transitions between pages are equally vital. Slow-loading pages can frustrate users and negatively impact SEO rankings. Compress and optimize images to minimize loading times. Leveraging lazy loading ensures that images load as users scroll, enhancing both speed and overall performance.

The concept of “thumb-friendly” navigation holds paramount importance in mobile design. Given the limited screen space, ensure that buttons and interactive elements are appropriately sized for easy tapping. Extensive forms or intricate actions can be off-putting; simplify them to encourage user engagement.

Structured data markup is a potent tool often overlooked in mobile optimization. Implementing schema markup enhances your website’s appearance on search engine results pages (SERPs), providing users with quick access to relevant information. Rich results, such as breadcrumbs, ratings, and product information, can significantly improve click-through rates.

Prioritize a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent device experience. Regularly test your mobile site’s performance and user experience, and adapt as needed.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Optimizing Mobile Website Navigation for User Experience and SEO

  1. Audit Current Navigation: Evaluate your website’s current mobile navigation structure to identify pain points and areas for improvement.
  2. Prioritize Content: Determine your core content and essential menu items. Streamline the navigation menu to focus on these key elements.
  3. Implement Collapsible Menus: Integrate collapsible menus or a hamburger menu to conserve space while providing access to secondary content.
  4. Ensure Fast Loading: Optimize images for the web and implement lazy loading to enhance page loading speeds.
  5. Design for Tapping: Make interactive elements, buttons, and links thumb-friendly in size to facilitate easy tapping.
  6. Simplify Forms and Actions: Streamline complex forms and actions, reducing friction and encouraging higher user engagement.
  7. Utilize Structured Data: Implement schema markup to enhance your website’s appearance on SERPs and drive click-through rates.
  8. Responsive Design: Develop a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and orientations.
  9. Test Across Devices: Regularly test your mobile website on different devices to ensure consistent performance and user experience.
  10. Monitor Analytics: Monitor user behavior and engagement using analytics tools to identify further optimization opportunities.
  11. Optimize Page Speed: Continuously optimize your mobile site’s performance by minimizing code, leveraging caching, and using content delivery networks (CDNs).
  12. Focus on Intuition: Design intuitive navigation that anticipates user needs, making information retrieval effortless.
  13. Use Descriptive Labels: Use clear and concise navigation menu labels to enhance user understanding.
  14. Breadcrumb Navigation: Implement breadcrumb navigation for easy backtracking and improved user orientation.
  15. Regular Updates: Keep your website’s mobile navigation up-to-date, reflecting any changes in content or structure.
  16. Mobile-First Indexing: Be aware of Google’s mobile-first indexing, where the mobile version of your site is prioritized for ranking.
  17. User Feedback: Gather user feedback and integrate suggestions to refine your mobile navigation strategy.
  18. Optimize Images: Compress and optimize images to balance visual appeal and loading speed.
  19. A/B Testing: To determine the most effective design, perform A/B testing with different navigation layouts.
  20. Continuous Improvement: Mobile optimization is an ongoing process. Stay updated with industry trends and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the website.

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (61)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO posts is better than the last!

61 Replies to “How to Create a Mobile-Friendly Navigation in 7 Steps”

Most people use smartphones for everything, including watching 3D movies with VR boxes, photo editing, and shopping. Because people prefer the convenience of their phones over booting up a computer, it’s crucial for websites to be mobile-friendly.

This blog post is worth the read – trust us!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog post as it provided me with valuable insights and information. Additionally, I would like to contribute some supplementary points that could benefit your readers:
1. Use a clear and readable font for the menu labels
2. Ensure there is enough spacing between menu items to avoid accidental clicks
3. Include a hover effect or visual feedback to indicate interactivity
4. Implement a consistent and intuitive menu structure across the entire website
5. Consider using a breadcrumb trail to show the user’s current location within the website

Great article! Creating a mobile-friendly navigation is crucial for providing a seamless user experience. Clear, concise menus, intuitive icons, and responsive design are key elements to consider. Mobile users will appreciate easy access to information on any device. Thanks for the valuable insights!

This was an extremely wonderful article.

This is really interesting, You’re a very professional blogger.

I just like the helpful information you provide in your articles

Great article and very well explained. Thank you

Hi there,

Thank you so much for your nice post. Nowadays, mobile user is growing more than computer users. So we have to think more about mobile compatibility.

Excellent write-up! The objective of mobile-friendly navigation is to make it easy for a user to reach any point from anywhere as easily as possible. It also includes returning to the homepage. On a standard website with multiple web pages, it is easy to lose track and the user might want to track back to the front page.

Very informative. Some points came to my mind while reading this article. They are:

1. Start Using Breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are a navigation aid to help orient people within a website. This kind of orientation is especially important if people are directed to deeper pages on the site from external sources.

2. Avoid using tiny menus (or menu icons) on large screens. Menus shouldn’t be hidden when there is plenty of space to display the menus.

3. Always try to put menus in familiar locations. Most of the time users spend their time on other sites. So, Users expect to find UI elements where they’ve seen them before on other sites or apps (e.g., left rail, top of the screen). Make these expectations work in your favor by placing your menus where people expect to find them.

4. Make menu links look interactive. Users may not even realize that it’s a menu if the options don’t look clickable (or tappable). Menus may seem to be just decorative pictures or headings if you incorporate too many graphics, or adhere too strictly to principles of flat design.

5. Ensure that your menus have enough visual weight. In many cases, menus that are placed in familiar locations don’t require much surrounding white space or color saturation in order to be noticeable. But if the design is cluttered, menus that lack visual emphasis can easily be lost in a sea of graphics, promotions, and headlines that compete for the viewer’s attention.

6. Use link text colors that contrast with the background color. It’s amazing how many designers ignore contrast guidelines; navigating through digital space is disorienting enough without having to squint at the screen just to read the menu.

Mobile optimized website making is a good practice for web developers because more than 75% of people using smartphones to interact with any type of website. Whether it is health, computer and shopping related it doesn’t matter.

I enjoyed reading your blog and gleaned some new information as well. Thanks for sharing. Keep writing.

Good post! We will be linking to this particularly great post on our site. Keep up the great writing

UI/UX design is crucial to just about everything. It renders the latest technology accessible to the masses, makes our favourite apps and websites a pleasure to use, and determines which brands and products we return to over and over again. To put it simply, design matters.

thanks for sharing this useful information. I adopt your top tips when designing mobile pages. Keep it simple and intuitive!

Very well explained article about mobile navigation. This article explain lot about mobile phone and its usage

Excellent Tricks for mobile-friendly sites
the mobile responsive website is affected your overall SEO strategy. because google is giving more weight to a mobile friendly website

I am sure, this information will definitely be useful for me. Thanks a lot Bruce.

Since 2015, Google has also been prioritising mobile responsive websites in their search engine results. I think we should also look after the following things.

1) Don’t use Text-Blocking Ads and Pop-ups.
2) Use Percentages
3) Don’t Block Javascript, CSS, or Image Files

Is it also necessary to work on “Core Web Vital” issues for Mobile Friendliness? If yes please guide me on how can I solve them? It would be more appreciable if you provide us links.

Paula Allen

Vivek, you can check out our Core Web Vitals series beginning with “Core Web Vitals: An Overview for SEO”:

I’m going to bookmark this page. These days most of the users are on mobile devices. Hence making the website mobile friendly is a very key thing. Creating a mobile responsive website is a must-do thing these days.

yes,developing the web design with mobile friendly is the best for web development.This article is very nice and helpful for us.

Very informative post. thanks for telling about mobile navigation. Expecting more from you.

Great post. Now no hands with out mobile phone. It is essential for us now days. This post explains a lot. thanks for sharing

Great artticle. But an SEO Guy must do A/B testing as well.

Yes ,User behaviour plays crucial role on website,thanks for this excellent tips for mobile friendly websites.

Nice advice! I think, above outlined six points are good enough for mobile optimization to its maximum output. Design, Fonts, Contrast, and navigation simultaneously form the suitable and perfect right matched value of mobile devices. Thanks for this relevant post.


Good tips however, if you design web content for the Apple Watch, that changes a few rules.

Check out

Great tips for easy and mobile-friendly websites. Thanks

Hi, I’ve got a problem with my responsive website and Android and Windows touch devices and smartphones. The links do not work on these devices. On iOS-device they do work. What can I do? Would you please be so kind helping me? Manu thanks in advance!

Paula Allen

Hi Deepak: If none of the links are working at all, then it might be a JavaScript error related to the clicking of links or some sort of blocking happening. Those would be the highest probability, but there are many things to check (from the browser to the code), and it’s hard to say exactly what is happening. I hope this points you in the right direction. Good luck!

Nice post. A mobile-friendly website is important for your business growth. A mobile-friendly website will help your consumers to effectively find and discover the products or services they’re searching for in mere seconds.

Great Article, You have clearly given excellent tips that why need to optimize sites according to mobile algorithm.

Very interesting information you shared with us. On these days most of the people use smartphone so all the thing they want to check by the phone. Actually by this device people can check almost everything. Even people watch 3d movies by their phone with VR box which very top notch right now. People also do photo editing by their phone, even shopping is happening by phone, so this is really important, a site should being mobile friendly because of people don’t have enough time to open fold then booted up their machine this is why smartphone friendly a site very much needed.

A good mobile navigation considerably reduces the bounce rate and makes it easy for users to find what they need. Thanks for sharing some of the best practices for making a mobile-friendly navigation, which include an intuitive navigation, listing the important pages first, using a consistent navigational menu, placing an effective search box, etc.

Greta article, I alway make sure I adopt your top tips when designing mobile pages. Keep it simple and intuitive!

yeah its true that responsive design is a good solution, but there are other ways to create a mobile website. If you use WordPress to power your site, you can use a responsive theme or a mobile plugin.

Well written, useful article you shared. Thanks for the article.

The mobile navigation best practices outlined in this blog post are all aimed at helping webmasters create mobile experiences that are quick

Being web designer, I am inspired to read these innovative mobile navigation tips that I must follow in future.

Excellent Tricks for mobile-friendly sites
the mobile responsive website is affected your overall SEO strategy. because google is giving more weight to a mobile friendly website

Great tips for easy and mobile-friendly websites. Thanks

Thanks for sharing this informative Article. You have listed some good techniques for mobile-friendly navigation. I will definitely try this for my SEO Project.

Though responsive design is a good solution, there are other ways to create a mobile website. If you use WordPress to power your site, you can use a responsive theme or a mobile plugin.

There are also some nice DIY solutions like Mofuse and goMobi. You want to research services, though, and make sure they have all the features you need and that you have control over domain settings and redirection.

If you want to create your own stand-alone mobile site, I recommend using HTML5. Mobile browsers are up-to-date, so they recognize most of the nice features HTML5 has to offer. You can also focus on semantic mark-up for your site if you use HTLM5, and that will improve your search placement. There are some nice HTML5 templates (look up Fone and HTML5 boilerplate) that can give you a nice start.

Paula Allen

Hi Jessica – Responsive is our preference because a responsive site is easier to maintain and Google’s preferred design. A responsive theme makes that easy for WordPress users, too, as you mentioned. But separate mobile sites can have faster loading times and other advantages, if you don’t mind the extra work of maintaining two sets of code. Some excellent pointers in your comment that I know will benefit readers, so thank you for adding your recommendations!

Marathi SMS

i really work on this type of things google are working only mobile friendly site not desktop site … now change theme of u r site to mobile friendly … well done

Responsive Design help to drive traffic from all online devices.

Nice!! Your blog is very informative. Thank you for sharing this post.

Thanks for sharing this content, is very informative for me. Google also focusing on mobile optimization and their page speed so website owner need to updated for the same.

Looking out for any good mobile practices, thanks again for the posting.


Interesting to see that this article is from January 2018 and yet the comments reach back to 2014…
Too bad you mention that we should have “menu” underneath the hamburger button, but there is no example to show us what you exactly have in mind for that. Is this something that can be added? Thanks.

Paula Allen

Hi Malachi – Thanks for your good suggestion to show a picture of “MENU” with a hamburger icon. This has been added.

To answer your question, Bruce has updated and expanded this article to cover mobile navigation best practices for 2018. The older comments you see pertain to the original version we published several years ago (as the “Editor’s Note” at the bottom was meant to clarify; sorry for any confusion there). Since this post has continued to be popular, we realized mobile nav design was a useful, necessary topic that is worth keeping evergreen!

Nice article to make your website SEO friendly.

Awesome work, I suppose this is even more apparent with Google’s soon to be released mobile-friendly algo tweak.

Would you change anything you’ve said based on that?

Chelsea Adams

Dapa: Yes! This article is extremely relevant in light of Google’s recent mobile algorithm announcement. Would I change anything to better cater to the mobile algo? No! The mobile navigation best practices outlined in this blog post are all aimed at helping webmasters create mobile experiences that are quick, intuitive and user-friendly. Make your mobile experience speedy and user-focused/friendly and you’ll be in Google’s good graces, as well as the good graces of the mobile-friendly algorithm.

Thanks for the post. Always on the look out for any good mobile practices, thanks for the posting.

This is exactly what I needed. We are working on updating our mobile site for real estate searches in Indy and needed some direction. I haven’t seen the pixel information for touch screen use before but I have noticed that issue on several local competitor sites so I found that especially helpful. I was amazed at how many customers use their mobile device to search for real estate (Photos are the most valuable content for real estate listings and I would have thought the experience using a mobile device would be negative and cause less traffic but about half of our visitors are using mobile – never would have guessed that until we started tracking) Thanks for the article Chelsea

Chelsea Adams

Chris: Success! I am so glad that the information in this post was just what the doctor ordered. I, too, was having trouble finding a go-to resource that clearly outlined mobile navigation best practices — including pixel dimensions for finger-friendly tap zones — so, to solve the problem, I decided to write my own guide. (If you want something done right, do it yourself, right?) Helping people solve problems is the best part of my job.

Mobile optimised website making is a good practice for web developers. because more than 75% of peoples using smartphone to interact with any type of website. whether it is health, computer and shopping related it doesn’t matter.

Lately the best solution is to use jquery.mobilemenu.js. It converts your menu to an pull down menu which is much better for mobile devices then a css pull down menu which can become unmanageable fast.


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