Building Community and Attracting Engagement on Your Start-up Blog

Mommy bloggers. We all know of this subset of the blogosphere dedicated to the joys and headaches of child-rearing. But in a way, one might conceive that every blogger is a mommy blogger.

If you’re a blog author, you can relate to the excitement that comes from ushering a post into the world, the responsibility you take on for growing it right, and the sense of personal accomplishment you get when KPIs improve. Like a proud parent, you care about your blog’s success. When you chose to give life to and maintain a blog, you did so with the hope that over time, it would become the best it could be, with smart things to share and a healthy social sphere.

So, you’ve done what every good parent does for a growing baby blog. You’ve fed it with unique content and dressed it up nice in a sleek and modern design. You’ve dedicated time and TLC to measuring its growth, in terms of subscribers, traffic, and rankings. And with your baby looking fresh and friendly, you’ve brought it to the playground to make friends. But try as you might, no one’s coming by to say hi.

When you’ve reached the stage in your blog’s development where you feel the quality content is there, it’s time to add tactics to your blogging duties to grow readership and connect the blog to online communities. It can be discouraging to feel like no one’s listening as you send your blog posts into the silent abyss of cyberspace. By undertaking opportunities to attract readers and encourage interaction, you can help ensure your blogging efforts don’t go unnoticed.

Reach out with helping hands

Guest posts are a great way to introduce your blog to established communities, and they work both ways. You can be a guest blogger on other blogs or you can invite people to be guests on your blog. When you publish a guest post on another blog, you have an opportunity to introduce your blog to that audience. When a blogger takes a turn with a guest post on your blog, they’ll bring with them their network to read and share that post. If there’s synergy between your intended audience and the guest post audience, this effort may help to attract some of that built-in community to your blog.

Pander to the crowd

I mean this in the best way possible. Sucking up once in a while might make a good impression on the audience you’re trying to attract. When you first created your blog, there’s a good chance you envisioned it as a way to say the things that are on your mind, to share your strokes of brilliance or your insightful opinions. But have you given much thought to the type of content your intended audience is hungry for? There’s no doubt that your blog has the potential to surprise and delight, but every once in a while, it’s good for building community when you give the people what they want. Whether it’s an activity calendar or an interview with an industry notable, useful, share-worthy content can help grow your readership.

Be a conversation starter

One way of getting community involvement on your blog may be to ask for it. Prompt a discussion. Ask a question. Take a poll. Be a conversation enabler. If people don’t seem to be leaving comments, you may consider using the Facebook Connect comment plugin instead of the blog platform’s built-in comment system. By letting Facebook be the mechanism for leaving comments, you may remove a barrier to those who hesitate to fill out fields because there’s a good chance they’re already signed in to Facebook. It may also remove some of the hassle of comment moderation as people will be on their best behavior, since they’re not able to leave an anonymous comment. Possibly the best advantage of using Facebook for comments is the way a user’s comment is shared with their network through the news feed, meaning more eyeballs being drawn to the conversation and your blog.

Piggy-back on influencers

If you’ve got an presence, you’re wisely using the platform to promote your blog. Here’s one X-related tactic you might try: Identify well-followed users in your niche. Go through their streams to see the kinds of blogs and posts they link to, the accounts they reply to, and any retweets they make. Then, do what you can to fit that model with a post that targets their preferences. If you can get an industry influencer to reply to or re-xeet you, you can get your name in front of their stream and hopefully attract some of that audience to your blog.

Those are some ways I’ve found success for new bloggers looking to build up their audience and instigate community participation. What are some ways you’ve found to draw new readers and spark conversations on a blog? Care to comment? :)

Take your community building to the next level and bring in new engagement with your start-up blog. Work with us

FAQ: How can I effectively implement blog engagement strategies to boost my readership?

Effectively engaging your audience through your blog is not just a desire but a necessity. After all, what is a blog without readers? Boosting your readership requires strategic efforts, and I’m here to share expert insights on implementing blog engagement strategies that will help you achieve just that.

Understanding Your Audience

The very first step in your quest to enhance blog engagement is understanding your audience. Knowing your readers’ demographics, preferences, and pain points is essential. Use analytics tools to gather data, conduct surveys, and encourage comments on your posts. This insight will be your North Star in crafting content that resonates.

Compelling Content Creation

Now that you understand who your audience is, it is time to create engaging blog content that provides value to readers. Your blog should provide essential information. Implement a consistent posting schedule to keep them coming back. Optimize your content for readability with clear headings, concise paragraphs, and visually appealing elements like images and infographics. Engaging content is key.

Foster Community Engagement

A successful blog is not a monologue but a dialogue. Foster community engagement by actively participating in the comment section of your blog. Respond to comments, address questions, and encourage discussions. Make your readers feel heard and valued. This sense of community will keep them returning.

Harness the Power of Social Media

Social media is a formidable tool to drive blog engagement. Share your blog posts on various platforms, and use compelling headlines and images to grab attention. Be consistent in your social media efforts and engage with your followers. Encourage them to share your content, widening your reach.

Email Marketing

Never underestimate the potential of email marketing. Create an email list and send regular newsletters with blog updates; this will keep readers up-to-date and ensure they don’t forget about you or miss any posts!

Effectively implementing blog engagement strategies is pivotal for boosting your readership. Understanding your audience is of utmost importance when creating compelling content and expanding readership for a blog. Follow these strategies to maximize readership growth while building a dedicated following around it.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Implementing Blog Engagement Strategies

  1. Audience Analysis: Begin by understanding your target audience. Collect data on their demographics, preferences, and pain points.
  2. Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy based on audience insights. Plan a consistent posting schedule and optimize content for readability.
  3. Community Engagement: Actively participate in the comment section of your blog. Respond to comments, address questions, and encourage discussions.
  4. Social Media Promotion: Share your blog posts with attention-grabbing headlines and visuals on various social media platforms.
  5. Email Marketing: Build and maintain an email list. Send regular newsletters containing blog updates and exclusive content to keep your readers engaged.
  6. Consistency is Key: Consistency in all aspects is vital for long-term success in boosting blog engagement.
  7. Analyze and Adapt: Regularly analyze the effectiveness of your strategies through analytics tools and adapt based on the data.
  8. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on quality content that provides value rather than churning out frequent, mediocre posts.
  9. Engaging with Your Audience. By engaging with your target audience on social media or in the comment section, interacting will help build community.
  10. Encourage Sharing: Encouraging readers and their networks to share your content can increase its exposure.
  11. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies; see what works and what doesn’t.
  12. Stay Current: To stay relevant in the digital realm, and stay abreast of new trends, changes, and developments in its world.
  13. Be Patient: Building a loyal readership takes time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts.
  14. Measure Your Success: Set clear goals and track your progress in boosting readership.
  15. Collaborate: Consider collaborating with influencers or other bloggers to tap into their audience.
  16. Mobile Optimization: Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly, as many readers access smartphone content.
  17. Call to Action: Include clear calls to action in your posts to guide reader engagement.
  18. Use A/B Testing: Experiment with different strategies and use A/B testing to find what resonates most with your audience.
  19. Educate and Inform: Offer educational and informative content that genuinely helps your readers.
  20. Adapt and Evolve: As trends and reader preferences change, be ready to adapt your strategies to boost blog engagement effectively.

This article was updated on November 17, 2023.

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (4)
Filed under: Social Media Marketing
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4 Replies to “Building Community and Attracting Engagement on Your Start-up Blog”

Thanks for the post! I agree that facebook comments can go either way. Sometimes they are helpful and at other times they are detrimental.

So far, my strategy is use the most controversial topic is the best strategy. For example, Malaysia recently had a demonstration and we called it Bersih 2.0. I used the topic to write a letter to our Prime Minister how to use social media marketing for the future of Malaysia. And with this strategy, it did work, a lot of people retweet the topic, share on Facebook, comment on Linkedin and even get business from the blog post! :)

Virginia Nussey

That’s an important potential drawback about Facebook comments. Thanks for pointing it out here, Nick. :)

One of the hardest things about being a new blogger, besides coming up with quality content on a consistent basis, is building up a loyal following. After all, if you’re taking lots of time writing a post you want people to read it. Facebook comments can go both ways. I think that they actually can deter comments too because some people like to keep their Facebook life separate and private from other things that they do on the web.


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