Digital Marketing Strategy and Philosophy

These pages are not intended to duplicate the wealth of information available on the web that describes how to do digital marketing. This site provides in-depth instructions for optimizing a website (site architecture, design, marketing and promotion). In addition, our search engine marketing company offers free SEO tools with a focus on designing for promotion, as these items are concerned with the marketing launch of a new website or product.

We have emphasized search engine placement and search engine optimization throughout our website, and this page covers other promotion programs in some detail. As the web evolves, this page will be updated with new online promotion techniques, digital marketing strategy, SEO tools, and links to make your life easier. Visit Bruce Clay, Inc. frequently to pick up new thoughts, ideas and industry information. Read on for information that also covers how-to steps for Top-10 keyword advice, search engine marketing, website design, SEO training, keyword tools, links, email, awards, press releases, and newsletters.

We have spent a great deal of time gathering information on how to design websites with search engine optimization and search marketing in mind. In sifting through the information, it became clear that most people had a narrow familiarity with a section of the beast, but that no one had described the entire internet creature — certainly no one had described internet search engine marketing as an integral part of the design process. Ranking was viewed as a facet of the launch, but not as a facet of the design.

That fact alone causes the digital marketing services and SEO consulting business to prosper.

Let’s start with you. Since you are here, there is a good chance that you already have a product and wish to maximize the launch of that product. The downside is that if you cannot successfully launch your product, you become one of the thousands of companies littering the web with their great, but unrealized, potential. The upside is that you have the potential to become a brand name with a sought-after product, resulting in wealth and fame. Right now the choice is yours. This is where you will make it or break it. You cannot afford to do search engine marketing incorrectly if you choose to be a winner.

The overall ecommerce transaction process involves:

  1. Attracting prospects to a website (aka web marketing and/or search engine optimization)
  2. A properly designed site that encourages visitors to browse (aka website design)
  3. Leading the visitor to a completed transaction by offering products easily and without undue complexity (aka website navigation)
  4. Addressing concerns (perceived risks) that can scare off the potential buyer if left unanswered (aka risk avoidance)

Completing an ecommerce transaction is like buying a house. First, you visit a realtor and scan through books with descriptions of properties, you look at flyers with descriptions, or maybe just discuss some new addition to their inventory. This is very much like scanning search engine results, articles, or reading press releases. They are all external to the actual property and as promotional pieces, they describe something in terms that you may care about. From this promotional material you make a list and then go and visit the property. On the web you would view digital marketing materials and then click where you are interested.

Second, you drive to the property with the realtor to see what it looks like. Sometimes, before the car even stops you will say “no, not this one” and drive off. Other times you will stop and take a look. This is often referred to as “curb appeal” — the property appears to match your needs. On the web, this is usually the first impression of your home page from the perspective of the visitor. Does it meet their needs? Does it offer the solution to which they are seeking? Does it “hook” their curiosity?

Third, now that the realtor has shown you a property that seems to be what you like (at least from the curb), you want to go inside and see if it solves your problems. On the web, this is called navigation, content, value statements, it is a process to allow the visitor to buy without undue complexity, and a way to answer any last minute questions so they will not abandon their acquisition over a minor issue. Let the human factor (when needed) contribute to the sale. Search engine marketing and organic SEO gets the initial interest, but the website makes the sale. If properly implemented, this will turn a visitor into a customer.

But let’s start at the beginning… Digital Marketing Considerations.

Serving North America based in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
Bruce Clay, Inc. | PO Box 1338 | Moorpark CA, 93020
Voice: 1-805-517-1900 | Toll Free: 1-866-517-1900 | Fax: 1-805-517-1919